Fingerett, Steve (1951-2018). Steven Asher Fingerett, 67 beloved father and brother, passed away October 18, at Our Lady of Peace Hospice. Born in Chicago, Steve came to Minneapolis in 1971 for school at UMN. It's there he began his career serving the Twin Cities music scene, becoming a highly regarded, award winning Radio Rep in Promotion and Distribution with Warner Brothers Records. He is preceded in death by parents, Naomi and Bill Fingerett, his dear friend and ex-wife Ricki Gale. He is survived by his sisters, Sally Fingerett Stan (OH), Rosalyn Koch (NY), and his beloved daughter Allison Fingerett. For years Steve suffered from debilitating degenerative bone disease and made a courageous choice to undergo surgery, after which he suffered a major stroke. He loved life, and he died trying. Celebration of life TBA. To honor Steve, donations are gratefully accepted at Our Lady of Peace Hospice, St. Paul.

Published on October 21, 2018

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