Lundblad, Alice Christine Lindquist How can 104 years & 10 months of life be honored in words? Born March 16, 1913. Died January 16, 2018 Minneapolis, MN. Amazing Alice! Smart, intellectually curious, funny, practical, phenomenal memory! Graduated North High, Mpls, MN. Awarded RN 1934 Swedish Hospital School of Nursing. Served & taught at Swedish, private duty, Medical Arts practice & Jacksonville, FL hospital during WWII. Volunteered tirelessly: youth group leader, hospital library services. Married 36 years & perpetually devoted to one true love, Dr. Stanley W. Lundblad, died 1978. Cared daily for parents, Selma (Ericksen) & Harry Lindquist (Anderson). Cherished memories of sisters, Charlotte Hansen, Ruth Lakey, & brothers, Rodger, Earle Lindquist, their spouses, niece Laurie, & nephew Trygg. Survived by devoted daughter, Janet Rene (Lundblad) VanFossan. Alice cared deeply about generations of family, friends & knowledge. Fondly enjoyed numerous cousins, nephews, nieces, great, great great & great great great. Yes, they are! Thankful for many friends and gentle caregivers who enhanced her life. Medicine, Scandinavia, history, art, music, nature, flowers, voracious reading, curiosity about people were life passions. In death, Alice chose to further medical knowledge & support future generations through the University of Minnesota Anatomy Bequest Program. Donations suggested to Gillette Children's Hospital, Family Services, 200 University Ave E., St. Paul, MN 55101. Following her wish, Alice will privately return to her lifelong cherished Lake Superior. She will continue to nurture the cycle of life.

Published on January 21, 2018

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