"DUI" has a new meaning for drivers and hikers in the Normandy region of France, the Connexion reported on May 11: deer under the influence. The 30 Million Friends Organization, an animal rescue group, said at this time of year, deer gorge on spring flowers that are loaded with sugar, which ferments in their stomachs and makes them "drunk." For example, they may become disoriented and sometimes panicked. Experts remind anyone who comes across the deer to stay calm and not upset the animal.

Stinky story, part 1

At the Rio condo building in New York City, building management has filed a lawsuit against resident Helen Hirsh, 83, alleging she "defecated in the fitness center's pool and then again in the fitness center shower," according to the New York Post. Hirsh was banned from the facilities but apparently has snuck back in by following a real estate agent touring prospective buyers or catching an open door when other residents were leaving. Management has had to take both the pool and the fitness center out of use so both could be cleaned and sanitized. But Hirsh thinks the suit is payback because she doesn't tip. "I'm an old lady. Why should I tip you all the time? I don't want to live here anymore," she said.

Stinky story, part 2

Brazilian soccer player Marcelo, 34, was dismissed from the Lyon squad of the Ligue 1 Uber Eats French Football League last August after reportedly laughing during captain Leo Dubois' speech following the team's losing match against Angers. But on May 10, ESPN reported there was more to the story. Marcelo apparently had an ongoing issue with passing gas and was laughing at that.

Family values

The BBC reported on a lawsuit filed in the north Indian state of Uttarakhand by Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad, parents of Shrey Sagar, 35, against their son "because of mental cruelty." The elders are demanding compensation equal to about $650,000 if Shrey and his wife do not produce a child within a year. Sanjeev said they spent all their savings sending their son to the United States for pilot training, and that he returned to India but lost his job and required their support for two more years. They arranged a lavish wedding and reception for him, but after six years, the couple "are still not planning a baby," Sanjeev said. "At least if we have a grandchild to spend time with, our pain will become bearable."


At the Palm Haven Mobile Home Park in St. Petersburg, Fla., feathers were flying on May 8, the Smoking Gun reported. Christine Terman, 57, became angry that a chicken belonging to her neighbor, Lawrence Stenzel, had been defecating on the patio. So, according to the arrest report, Terman "retrieved a bucket of pee from her bathroom" and threw it at Stenzel. The bucket struck him in the face, "causing him pain," but worse, the police report went on, "the victim was wet when we arrived and smelled of urine." Terman 'fessed up to the dousing and was booked into the county jail on a misdemeanor battery charge.

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