"Is this something that has

happened to you during the recession . . ."

Don't know?

YesNodoes not apply

". . . been laid off?"17%83%--

". . . had your work hours 29%70%1%


". . . had pay or benefits cut?"36%63%--

". . . had to take unpaid days off?"21%79%--

". . . been forced to switch from a10%90%--

full-time to a part-time job?"

". . . had to work more overtime32%67%--

or longer hours?"

". . . had trouble getting or paying25%74%1%

for medical care for yourself or

your family?"

". . . had problems paying your22%76%2%

rent or mortgage."

". . . borrowed money from a21%78%1%

family member or friend to

help pay the bills."

". . . cut back or canceled51%46%3%

vacation travel."

". . . bought less expensive brands67%30%4%

or shopped more at discount


". . . adjusted your retirement38%57%5%


Source: Star Tribune Minnesota Poll of 902 adults conducted by telephone and cell phone, July 26-29. Margin of sampling error: No greater than 4.3 percentage points, plus or minus, at a 95 percent confidence level.

Land line v. cell phone

Minnesotans' phone habits are changing, with 23 percent relying on cell phones only. Another 65 percent use a cell phone but retain a land line. An increasingly smaller share, 12 percent, have land lines only in their homes.