Vicky Umodu of Colton, Calif., was thrilled to find two free sofas and a matching chair on Craigslist for her new house. She was skeptical, but the owners explained that a family member had passed away, and they were liquidating the possessions, ABC7 News reported on June 2. When she got the furniture home, she felt some kind of object in one of the cushions and thought it might be a heating pad, but upon further inspection, she found several envelopes filled with cash. "I was just telling my son, 'Come, come, come!' I was screaming, 'This is money! I need to call the guy!"' Umodu found $36,000 in total. She returned the cash to the family, who told her they had found other hidden stashes in the deceased man's home, but not such large amounts. As a gesture of thanks, they gave Umodu $2,200, money she needed for a refrigerator. "I was not expecting a dime from him," she said.

Getting personal

In an effort to better educate the world about the human reproductive system, the "intimate wellness brand" Intimina has introduced Period Crunch, a breakfast cereal with uterus-shaped, raspberry-flavored pieces that will color the milk red, Oddity Central reported. Alongside the cereal shape and red milk, the cereal box will feature a diagram of the female reproductive system so that people can learn about its location and function. The company surveyed 2,000 adults and discovered that 48% of women are embarrassed to talk about their menstrual periods and 77% have never brought it up in their households. "Periods are a natural part of who we are," said Dr. Shree Datta, a gynecologist with Intimina, "so it's deeply concerning to hear that so many people remain uncomfortable discussing them."

Special delivery

Things got heated in Pasadena, Md., on May 3 when two letter carriers got into a fight. One witness said that one of the mail carriers "backed up and slammed into the other one like bumper cars." Another witness, Brenda Rippetoe, said, "There was mail all over the street. They kept going around the block, and at one point, they were front-to-front, hitting their bumpers together." Residents called 911, and the Postal Service sent other carriers to pick up the mail. Neighborhood residents said their regular carriers were on vacation, so the angry stand-ins were unfamiliar to them.

Product placement

A rendering of the Last Supper in the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Parks, La., has all the usual elements — plus one extra: a bottle of locally made McIlhenny's Tabasco hot sauce. Christie Hebert, the artist, told the Daily Advertiser that the priest at that time "wanted to make it unique to our area," she said.

Bad serve

During a May 24 broadcast on the BBC of the French Open tennis tournament, the news ticker at the bottom of the screen briefly read," Manchester United are rubbish," Reuters reported. Later, BBC anchor Annita McVeigh issued an on-air apology, saying it was written by someone who was "just writing random things" to learn how to operate the ticker. "It wasn't meant to appear on screen," she said.

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