The Edina Senior Center is hosting an event this month where participants can take home bling without any ka-ching.

The center's first-ever accessory swap, where participants can exchange gently used jewelry, scarves, shoes and purses, all for free, will be held April 12. The event is open to all ages and residents and nonresidents of Edina alike.

Recreation supervisor Nicole Gorman said she partners with the city's organics recycling coordinator and sustainability manager to put on clothing swaps, which is how the idea for an accessory swap came about.

"It's kind of a spinoff from the clothing swap," she said. "We'll find out how it goes. It's our first one."

The swap will be held from 5-7 p.m. April 12 at the Edina Senior Center. Any accessories that aren't claimed will be part of the next clothing swap, May 9. Registration is not required.

Staff requests that participants drop off swap items during business hours at the senior center or Edina Library the week of April 8. Information on what's accepted and donation limits can be found at Donations are not required to participate.