Editor's note: Sarah McLellan is covering the Wild during the NHL postseason in her birthplace of Edmonton, but first must spend 14 days confined to her hotel room. She'll write regularly to her father, who now lives in Arizona, with an update on life with limited freedom.

Dear Dad,

As I'm getting closer to regaining my freedom and rejoining society, I find myself looking back on this adventure in quarantine and how I've actually enjoyed the challenge.

Is that weird?

I just feel this has been a helpful primer to get back into a work rhythm after months of unpredictability. I wake up at a set time, I have a to-do list to keep me busy and I'm writing throughout the day – updates, feature stories, tweets. And it feels good to do that.

Make no mistake, I am still looking forward to waking up Saturday morning and stepping outside my room for the first time in two weeks. But quarantine hasn't really been that bad.

I've figured out what I need to get me through the days, and I could totally coach someone else to handle isolation in a hotel room based on what I've learned is essential to the experience.

First of all, you need slippers. You could roam around the room all day in your sneakers or sandals, but why would you want to? Slippers are the way to go, and packing mine was one of the best decisions I made. I might actually start bringing them on every road trip from now on.

Another key addition was a bottle of hand soap. Most hotels don't provide any; they just leave a bar of soap by the sink. I prefer actual liquid soap, and I'm glad I scooped some up on one of my pre-quarantine shopping trips. Gotta keep those hands clean!

To stay entertained during the lulls in the day, you have to have access to a streaming service like Netflix. Although I haven't spent hours planted in front of the TV, I have cuddled up with my laptop and iPad on a few nights to catch a movie or show. Riverdale and I might actually have another date soon.

Obviously, you need comfy clothes. Anything with an elastic waist is perfect. Even though I packed quite a few pairs of shorts and relaxed T-shirts, I find myself snuggling up in sweatpants and sweaters most days. Maybe if I turned the thermostat above 70 degrees that would change.

And if you're going to be alone for 14 straight days, you definitely need a cellphone and charger. This one is a no-brainer. If I'm not on my computer, I'm probably on my cellphone – texting, checking out Instagram or using FaceTime. It's your connection to the outside world, but it's also how the outside world can reach you. And those phone calls from home make the days so much better.

Thanks for always calling.

