Cruise next week to raise money for kids with special needs

Three-year-old Elise knows all about extensive medical treatments and multiple surgeries. So does 4-year-old Mya. Classic car and street rod owners will have these girls in mind on Sat., Aug. 29, when The Bucket Brigade car club's annual "Cruise for Kids" raises money for Elise, Mya and others. The cruise, for classic cars and street rods, includes surprise stops and a late lunch. Many cruisers are owners and drivers of T-Buckets (Model T Ford street rods credited with starting the street rodding hobby) and belong to the nine-year-old Bucket Brigade. With a limited number of cruise slots, the club tries to raise as much as possible for "its kids" by asking cruise participants for $100 minimum donations. There's also a $20 run fee. For more information, call 763-413-7151 or 651-295-6877, e-mail 26T@ssincmpls or visit