Suzzy Roche is a singer, recording artist and mother. She can relate to Meg Wolitzer's new novel, "Ten Year Nap." She filed this book report from New York:

"Meg's smart, funny and deeply provocative novel takes the lives of its women very seriously. ... She jumps into the lives of professional women who have stopped working to raise children and follows them on a 10-year journey that sometimes renders them invisible, unrecognizable and obsolete -- even to themselves. She follows the inner workings of the minds of a group of friends in hilarious detail without condescending or judging. These women are full of heart, kooky and ferocious, flawed and brave as any band of lost cowboys in the Wild West.

"I found myself marveling at the nerve of this novelist to fearlessly boomerang around a place where most men and many women tremble, even to consider, the wilderness of the thinking mother's heart. It's a marvelous jungle in there, especially when written with Meg Wolitzer's unsentimental compassion and wicked wit."