Students have always been my beacon of hope because of their idealism, their energy and their resiliency. They are what drew me to my career in education. As an educator, there have been times over the past 21 months when I have found it challenging to be hopeful; however, when I am interacting with young children and students their hope revitalizes me.

With so much still uncertain, our students are continuing to demonstrate their resilience as they learn, grow and experience all the things that make school memorable.

Thank you, Minnesota's 907,557 students, for your flexibility, adaptability and selflessness. You have taught me more about what it truly means to embody each of these attributes than I ever will be able to convey.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our education staff directly for their work, effort and perseverance. While school may look and feel a little different than it did two years ago, I am thankful for everything our school leaders, educators and staff have done to ensure our students keep learning while also supporting their mental health, social-emotional and nutrition needs.

Throughout this pandemic, our educators have been asked to do significantly more than they signed up for, in ways that they didn't sign up for, and their efforts have made a significant difference in the lives of our students, families and communities.

In March of 2020, no one could have predicted that COVID-19 would still be upending classrooms across Minnesota during the 2021-22 school year. Since the moment the pandemic began, education staff have given their expertise, talents, energy, time and resources to support Minnesota's students and families while also navigating the profound challenges that COVID-19 has brought to their own lives.

Their grace under pressure and continued commitment to meeting the needs of our students is inspiring. Their leadership, partnership and support throughout this pandemic has impacted every Minnesota student and family, and I could not be more proud to have them as my colleagues.

As commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education, I communicate frequently with school leaders to learn more about what is happening in their school communities and in their buildings. These conversations have reinforced what I believed to be true: Our schools are managing staff shortages in just about every area of education; school leaders, educators and staff are supporting the mental health needs of our students while facing mental health needs themselves and/or in their families; and school teams are working tirelessly to ensure our students recover from the academic and social-emotional impacts of the pandemic.

As educators navigate all of this in our schools, they are also steadfast in their resolve to meet the demands of the impact of COVID on our students' academic achievement and well-being. This is evident daily in classrooms across Minnesota.

I recently had the opportunity to attend an awards ceremony held by the Minnesota Rural Education Association. The awards ceremony honored educators from across the state for their innovative practices and dedication to student success.

One after the other, I watched videos of students and colleagues sharing how each teacher being honored is changing the lives of their students. Although each video was distinct because of the uniqueness of the educator, the common thread throughout each story was that student-centered relationships in an innovative teaching and learning environment are vital to our students and their success.

Each of the educators and programs honored that night is doing unique and incredible work, and these stories exist in all the more than 2,000 school buildings across Minnesota.

Minnesota is fortunate to have remarkable people working in our classrooms and schools with our students. This has been a very long, exhausting path, and our education staff have met this moment humbly, valiantly and with purpose. I encourage all Minnesotans to thank anyone who is working in our schools teaching and supporting our students. I am truly grateful for each of the invaluable members of our state's education community and the work they are doing with our students and families.

Between our incredible educators and our resilient students, we have so many reasons to be hopeful.

Heather Mueller is commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education.