Draconian reaction

J.K. Rowling reveals she is "unnerved by the number of girls who fell for this particular fictional character." No, not Harry. Or Ron. Or even Neville Longbottom. It's Harry's towheaded nemesis Draco Malfoy. "Draco has all the dark glamour of the anti-hero; girls are very apt to romanticise such people," Rowling writes in a "Pottermore" post. "All of this left me in the unenviable position of pouring cold common sense on ardent readers' daydreams, as I told them, rather severely, that Draco was not concealing a heart of gold under all that sneering." She hastened to add that Tom Felton, who plays Draco, "is about the nicest person you will ever meet."

'Dead' girl

Kim Dickens (Lt. Boney in "Gone Girl") will star in the spinoff of "The Walking Dead." … David Schwimmer will play lawyer Robert Kardashian (yeah, Kim's dad) in FX's "American Crime: People v. O.J. Simpson." … Sarah Jessica Parker will produce and star in the HBO comedy "Divorce."

A ghost of a chance

More good news for the resurgent Michael Keaton? Tim Burton says "Beetlejuice 2" is "closer than ever." … Netflix will distribute the Pee-Wee Herman movie produced by Judd Apatow.

Posthumous honor

George Harrison and the BeeGees will receive Lifetime Achievement Awards at February's Grammy ceremony.

Shaken and stirred

Surprise, surprise: Rush Limbaugh takes exception to the notion of a black James Bond. Reacting to the suggestion by Sony's Amy Pascal that the next 007 could be played by Idris Elba, Limbaugh said: "James Bond is a total concept put together by Ian Fleming. He was white and Scottish. Period. That is who James Bond is, was." Shhh — don't tell him Quvenzhané Wallis is the new "Annie."