Photo provided by Rhymesayers

By Tom Horgen

Apparently, Target has pulled a Walmart. On Friday afternoon, rapper Brother Ali posted the following on his Twitter page:

"Target is no longer selling my new album. They pulled it off their shelves because of the title of Bad (expletive) Pt. 2 is printed on the back."

Where's the love Target? Have the "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" been applied to chain-store CD racks?

For fans who actually buy their CDs at Target, Ali reminded his followers that another Twin Cities-based big box retailer had the album for cheap last week. He sent out several Tweets saying "get my new album 'Us' for only 7.99 at Best Buy." The sale ended on Saturday.

Update: I stopped at a Super Target on Monday night (for groceries) and took a quick survey of the CD aisle. Hidden behind some Chris Brown CDs were a couple copies of "Us." Maybe Target isn't hatin'?