Minnesotans just may have a chance to get a bill with an ammendment attached to it,that would give some protecion to the State's research bears - passed, before the legislature adjourns next week.But,in order for that to happen, Rep.Phyllis Kahn, who got the amendment attached to a bill, asked (in an e-mail to me) that we contact the legislators (listed below) who will be on the commission that will study and recommend the bill. Even if you are not a US Citizen, your e-mail will make a difference to these people, if you stress the fact that you might want to visit Ely, because of the bears, Dr.Rogers research, to see the Bear Center, the Widlife Research Institute and the International Wolf Cener.

This is very important. We not only need to educate these legislators as to why the bears need protection for research sake, but also for the educational value they provide all of us through Dr.Rogers studies and explanations and updates;which especially touch school chilren all across the state and in deed,the world, as they study the bears in their classrooms.We also need to let legislators know that as Minnesotan's, whether we hunt or not,it does not matter, because all game animals inthe state belong to all of the citizens of Minnesota, and all of their voices should be heard. Plus, we need to educate thelegislators as to the economic impact that the bears, Dr.Rogers, the North American Bear Center, the Wildlife Research Institute, and the International Wolf Center, bring to the town of Ely and the surrounding area, through gas and oil sales, lodging and restaurant purchases, snack foods, photography-related products, memorabilia, fishing, fishing licenses, boat rentals, etc.

Accordng to the data I have, the research bear fans have raised $858,866 for the Ely area, including contributions to the local food shelf, the school, etc. By the end of this month, they likely will have raised an additional $300,000 for the International Wolf Center. The radio-collared bears drew about 7,000 tourists to Ely in 2010, including hundreds that attended the First Annual Lilypad Picnic. They came from across America and overseas. Many spent extended vacations in the area. TV documentaries about the radio-collared bears advertise the Ely area to about 150 million viewers per documentary. Four documentaries were produced in the last 3 years, and more are scheduled.The North American Bear Center, which has an attendance of over 33,000 and produces over $3,000,000 in annual economic benefits for the region, depends upon the radio-collared bears torais thes funds. (Feel free to copy those statistics, and include them in the e-mail to the members of the commission,and an e-mail to your own legislators) .

'You should also contact your own legislator, because, as I have heard too many times from legislators, if they get a request from someone not in their district - they simply may not care. But, if they get requests, especially hundreds of them, from people in their district, they realize that their constituents care about the issue, and they may, just may, vote the way their constituents want them too.

This is important - log on to the internet, look up your Judicial District, find out who your representatives and senator are - and send them an e-mail with your name, city, judcial district, state, country and why you think these research bears should be protected. Make sure to put "Protect Minnesota's Research Bears" in the Subject line of your e-mail or text. That way the legislators will know what it is about, even if they do not open the e-mail. Remember, even if they do not read the reasons why the bears should be protected, the sheer number of e-mails concerning the bears may cause them to vote yes for this ammendment and bill.

Send out those e-mails to the commission members, and to your own legislators -TODAY - or it may be too late.

Thank you from Dr. Lynn Rogers, and from me and the bears,.

God bless,


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