In today's column about new ways to protect yourslef against identity thieves, I wrote that shredding sensitive docs is still important but just a start as you try to protect yourself. All of the tips are for adults, but parents of children under 16 need to protect their children's social security numbers.

Here's the problem: A growing numbers of identity thieves are steal the SSN of a minor and create a new identity in applications for credit, cell phone service and auto loans. Since the thief doesn't use your child's address for correspondence, you and your child are unaware of what's happening under her or his SSN.

I don't want to be an alarmist on this because the incidence is not significant yet. In a survey by ID Analytics of more than 172,000 children from April 2010 to March 2011, 600 cases of possible child identity fraud were identified.

You as a parent can do one simple, free thing to make sure you and your child don't have a mess on your hands when the child applies for his or her first job or auto insurance policy. Request a free credit report each year by calling 1-877-322-8228 or go to the annual credit report site.

So parents, have you ordered your child's free credit report yet? C'mon, aren't you just a little bit curious to know if your 8 year old has more credit cards than you do?

I'm kidding, but save you and your kid a big hassle by ordering the free report soon.