Bob Carney, a Republican candidate for governor who has spent nearly all of his $1,000 in campaign funds on his filing fee and at Office Max, made primary voters an unusual proposition: Elect me on Tuesday and I'll quit.

Bow-tie wearing, video-creating, "moderate progressive Republican" Carney said in a news release that his offer to step out upon victory was conditional:

If the Republican State convention is reconvened, and endorses "a reasonable, mainstream candidate" for Governor, who will pledge to limit the use of unallotment, and to support an unallotment reform bill. Carney declines to name specific individuals he would accept, believing this would put such people in an awkward position. "But I want to assure the citizens of Minnesota, especially Republicans, that I will be reasonable in accepting a "mainstream Republican" as a substitute for Tom Emmer.

Emmer, the Republican-endorsed candidate, is thought to have a pretty safe trip through Tuesday's primary.