Libertus, Ronald Lee (Gitchi-nibi) born on the White Earth Reservation April 29th, 1938, was a member of the Ojibwe Nation. Ron graduated from Walker High School and received his doctorate from the UMN and served in the Air Force as an Analyst and an excellent power forward. Dedicated to the Native Community, his work spanned from the first American Indian Art show at MIA to the opening of the American Indian Center to tribal states relations for the State, Wild Rice Director and his university classes in American Indian Studies. He was always supported by his extended family and friends. His wife Judy- smart, humorous, supportive and completely loving- was his most close companion without whom he would not have been anything. Together they had 3 wonderful children (Ron, Laura, Sarah) who never followed norms and were always inquisitive, 2 amazing son-in-laws (Jonno Woutat and Tim Cich) and 2 marvelous and creative grandchildren (Yuma and Emily Kohagura). Giga-waabamin menawaa. Ron will not be having a funeral service. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to the Libertus-Rice Transfer Student Recruitment Fund at the University of Minnesota Foundation. [this was dictated by Ron Libertus April 5th, 2018. Ron died April 24th] He will be remembered for his stories, humor and generosity. Any stories about my dad would be deeply appreciated (

Published on April 30, 2018

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