As their neighbors to the north eye a strike authorization vote, Osseo teachers have reached a tentative contract agreement.

The agreement, which will likely be put to a member vote in early April, calls for a two percent annual salary increase. Other details of the agreement were not immediately available.

Union officials said the district had offered them a pay increase of 1.75 percent for the 2014-2015 school year. The district proposed holding salaries flat for this school year.

The union has proposed a salary increase of 3 percent for the 2014-2015 school year. Teacher say they have lost about 5 percent in salary over the past four years when adjusted for the cost of living.

About 400 teachers showed up at the Osseo school board meeting in February to rally support for the negotiations.

As of last week, about 32 percent of teacher contracts in Minnesota were unsettled, according to Education Minnesota, the state teachers' union, which tracks negotiations in 331 school districts.

Tonight, Anoka-Hennepin union leaders will decide whether to set a date for a strike authorization vote. That district and its teachers have been negotiating since May.