If you've been following the peculiar unravelling of Joaquin Phoenix, you may wonder how that rap career turned out. Hoax, or the real thing? A new documentary takes a look:

Maybe. Not something that keeps most of us up nights, though. We're used to actors getting peculiar. Andy Kaufman's long "pro-wrestling" joke, for example. Painful. Was this brilliant comic performance art - so brilliant only a fool would point out it wasn't funny - or did he slip a cog? After "Back to the Future" there were many uncomfortable interviews with the abnormally intense young man, and the movie industry's need for Crispin Glover contracted significantly.

But this is just odd. If he thinks he can be a rapper, he's daft. Here's a performance, complete with a tumble off the stage at the end:

Verdict: if true, it's sad. If not, it's lame. What's he going to do, shave the beard, say "kidding! Just kidding! Now, how about a Gladiator sequel?"

Uh, you died in that one.

"Then a prequel! C'mon, everybody, let's reboot Gladiator! Who's with me?"

By now? No one.