Age: 29.

Sign: Virgo.

Neighborhood: Uptown.

Orientation: Girls are good, ladies are better.

Education: Currently enrolled in an electrician program. National Honor Society, Dean's List.

Occupation: Administrative assistant for a nonprofit youth center.

Hangouts: The C.C. Club, Grumpy's downtown, the great outdoors.

Turn-ons: Education, animal lovers, PBR, history, science, cooking.

Pitch: "Bad boy? Nah. Tattoos and PBR? Yes. Sweet and slightly nerdy, he's a good conversationalist and painfully, deadpan honest. A gruff vocalist with self-deprecating tales of a past gone wrong, this guy watches TV for history or new recipes or just to pick apart commercials. If your biggest asset is who you know, or what band you played with, don't bother. Says buddy Liz, 'Dang, he's even good with kids.'"

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