The Iranian government, known for a state policy that murders dissent and tramples on the human rights of its own citizens, is in the process of sending another supposed "humanitarian" flotilla to relieve Hamas's Gaza. Gaza's Hamas government, the recipient of this "humanitarian" aid, is also known for its state policy that murders dissent and tramples on the human rights of its own citizens. "While Israel has long suspected Iran, which rejects the Jewish state's right to exist, of supplying weapons to Hamas, Tehran says it only providesmoral support to the group."-Reuters June 14

"Anyone thinking of organizing an aid flotilla for Gaza should instead utilize the legitimate existing land crossings, where Israel is now lifting restrictions on civilian goods, Quartet envoy Tony Blair said on Monday."- D. horowitz and H Kleinon, JP June 22

Turkey's IHH was the chief sponsor of the last flotilla. Are Turkey and Iran in collusion? " Iran is already under three sets of UN sanctions for refusing to halt its uranium enrichment, which the West suspects is part of a covert nuclear weapons program. Tehran denies the claim and maintains that its nuclear program is for peaceful civilian use only. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that, in light of this deal, there was "no need" for further UN sanctions against Iran. "This agreement," he stated, "should be regarded positively and there is no need for sanctions now that we (Turkey and Brazil) have made guarantees and the low enriched uranium will remain in Turkey. As many are aware "The agreement was received in the West with skepticism."- Barducci,