Q: When was Randolph Scott born and when did he die?

A: The actor best known for his work in westerns was born in 1898 and died in 1987. His film career went from 1928 until 1962; his last film, "Ride the High Country," is one of the great westerns. When he retired from acting, the Film Encyclopedia says, he was very wealthy thanks to investments in real estate, oil wells and securities.

Guy and Ralna split

Q: My parents loved, loved, loved Lawrence Welk's music program, as did I. Ralna English and Guy Hovis, the married singers who displayed so much affection for each other, suddenly separated and divorced. What happened with their marriage?

A: In an oft-quoted 1992 interview with Midwest Today, English explained it this way: "We were newlyweds when we came on the show. And we were passionately in love. But we never really liked each other. We have very different personalities." But even after their divorce, the duo still performed together at times. "When we went out and did solo work, we were not near as much of an attraction as we were when we were Guy and Ralna," Hovis told one publication in 2016.

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