What has this president really done for the private sector – Absolutely Nothing. Not only that, but he has been spending money like a drunken sailor putting my generation and our children's generation forever in debt with NOTHING to show for it.

Americans find it easy to forget that small and large businesses drive our economy and in reality, businesses are who create jobs, provide for people, and create taxes.


Without them there would be no America, and is what our country was founded upon. Freedom and Capitalism.


Here is the thing; our President has zero executive leadership experience whatsoever. He also has zero business experience. He hasn't done anything other than being a community organizer, a position where you are never responsible for the livelihood of others. He has done nothing for business owners across the country and they are getting more and more pissed.

Sure, his administration would tell you that his increase in the SBA programs is what this country needs but boy are they ever wrong. They would also tell you that the $30B which they are taking out of extra TARP money to give to community banks to lend will solve the problems and boy are they wrong again.

Banks aren't lending and need to get off of their laurels and start approving loans. Investors are afraid to invest. And there is more innovation happening now then ever before in history and a fundamental lack of available capital (meaning there is plenty of money out there, its just on the side lines.)

A real leader would inspire this country. A real leader would put issues like political agendas and secondary issues aside and focus on what is important, which I can assure is not Healthcare. The people of this country look up to one person for strength, integrity, and answers – The President – and this president has decided to put his liberal comrades and himself first before the American people.

Quite sad really.

I am a big believer in America and Americans and have all the faith in the world that the American people is what will get us out of this mess, not Mr. Obama.

It's time for "Change" Mr. Obama. Change that you have clearly shown you don't have the ability for. You're a nice enough guy Mr. Obama, just not cut out to be the president of the greatest and most free country in the world.