More Opinion

July 6, 2020
Camden County Police Department officer Louis Sanchez is seen on foot patrol in Camden, New Jersey, on May 24, 2017. In 2013 the city of Camden, New J

Readers Write: Police reform, monuments, rebuilding Lake Street, a coronavirus thank-you

More precise arguments, please.
July 6, 2020

Don't dismiss risk of air travel in the pandemic

Despite assurances that all is well, overconfidence isn't helpful as the pandemic rages on.
Editorial, Wall Street Journal
July 4, 2020

Bounty charges are strange new twist in the Trump-Putin relationship

Leaked stories are another dive into Washington's murky politics.
July 4, 2020

Mail-in voting can keep all of us safer

Pandemic poses special challenges, and absentee voting is a time-tested alternative.
July 4, 2020
Sack cartoon: Trump on polling

Sack cartoon: Trump on polling

July 3, 2020
Sack cartoon: Anti-maskers

Sack cartoon: Anti-maskers

Mark Grindy
July 3, 2020
Minnesota state seal.

Racist state flags need to go — Minnesota's is next

Our flag depicts a white farmer displacing a Native American.
July 3, 2020

It took decades for Voice of America to build credibility abroad

Trump is putting all of that at risk for his own political gain.
Carol Becker
July 3, 2020
Protest continue on Thursday at the Minneapolis Third Police Precinct during a third day of demonstrations following the death of George Floyd while i

Counterpoint: Minneapolis is 'progressive' and has terrible racial disparities

In Minneapolis, it's not a coincidence.
Lacy Lee Johnson
July 3, 2020
Minnesota State Troopers surrounded the statue of Christopher Columbus after it was toppled in front of the Minnesota State Capitol, Wednesday, June 1

Counterpoint: I'm running for Congress to rebuild Minneapolis

And to free it from radical incompetence.
Tom Landwehr
July 3, 2020
Aidan Jones caught a smallmouth bass while wading in the water off a South Lake campsite Tuesday night. ] Aaron Lavinsky ¥ aaron.lavinsky@startribune

Minnesota must act to save BWCA

President Donald Trump undermines environmental protections.
July 3, 2020
The Statue of Liberty stands in this aerial photograph. MUST CREDIT: Ron Antonelli/Bloomberg

Readers Write: Patriotism, the wilderness, renewable energy, telemedicine

Improvement is patriotic.
Art Rolnick and Mike Meyers
July 3, 2020
Little boy going to school with backpack ORG XMIT: MIN1607281416271210

Compounding crises have collapsed early education

Childhood programs are closing, which leaves families in poverty with no options to ensure their children receive quality schooling.
July 3, 2020

From the archives: The Fourth is for the courageous

What if the Founding Fathers, as challenges mounted, said the fight couldn't be won?
Dane Smith
July 3, 2020
A protesters raises slogans as they skirmish with the National Guard near the 3rd Precinct before heading down Lake St. towards the 5th Precinct in Mi

Toward a better patriotism

Striving for equality holds more honor than sentimental expressions of nationalistic pride.
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The Opinion section is produced by the Editorial Board. The board operates independently and is not involved in setting newsroom policies or in reporting or editing articles in other sections of the newspaper or

Opinion Exchange

The Opinion section is an exchange of ideas produced by the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.