More Opinion

John Rash
December 2, 2016
Walker Art Center photo
Rugby player Gareth Thomas in a Guinness Beer ad that is part of the British Arrows Awards now screening at the Walker Art Cen

Rash Report: Brexit not an exit of U.K. creativity

The British Arrows Awards, now screening at the Walker, show Britain's international cultural impact.
December 2, 2016
The Minnesota State Capitol is in its final phases of renovation and will be ready for the start of the Legislative session January 3, 2017 ] GLEN STU

Even with expected surplus, Minnesota should proceed with fiscal caution

Size of new budget forecast puts damper on spending and tax-relief ideas.
Adam Copeland
December 2, 2016

'Materialism' isn't always a dirty word

New focus on craft and quality redeems the 'stuff' of life.
D.J. Tice
December 2, 2016

Unions and sound policing: New evidence of an old obstacle

Police chiefs, sheriffs get overruled on disciplinary actions.
Lori Sturdevant
December 2, 2016

Voters do worry that billionaires buy elections

Trump, unbeholden to big money? Just a wish.
December 2, 2016
illustration by JUSTIN METZ, for the Star Tribune

Readers Write (Dec. 4): Urban and rural Minnesota, coverage priorities involving water quality, 'A Minnesota maelstrom'

Toward two-way thinking.
December 2, 2016
Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority Chairwoman Michele Kelm-Helgen controls two lower level suites at U.S. Bank Stadium with almost 40 available sea

Sweet suites deal reflects fumbled governance at U.S. Bank Stadium

Given public's stake in U.S. Bank Stadium, more scrutiny is needed.
Steve Calvin
December 2, 2016
The future of health insurance: A shift change in political leadership

The future of health insurance: A shift change in political leadership

How a new crew made up of Republican lawmakers and Trump appointees could heal (not literally repeal) Obamacare.
December 2, 2016 ORG XMIT: MIN1605201331510032

Readers Write (Dec. 5): Earned income tax credit, skyways, outdoor lighting, libraries, JROTC, College in the Schools

Program provides real hope.
December 2, 2016

Trump's pick for education secretary is a champion of reform

DeVos wants to give families ways to escape low-performing schools.
Omar Alansari-Kreger
December 2, 2016

History abounds with contributions of Islam to civilization

Extremists do no justice to Islam in preserving a slanted narrative that is sharply at odds with a record of achievement.
Mark Kryzer
December 2, 2016

It's time for America to get out of Afghanistan

"Nation-building" hasn't achieved lasting goals, Afghanis continue to suffer casualties and be displaced, and the costs to the U.S. keep mounting.
December 2, 2016

Minnesota shouldn't flinch on human rights laws

State's enforcement efforts deserve Legislature's budgetary support.
Cass R. Sunstein, Bloomberg View
December 2, 2016
FILE - In this Oct. 19, 2016 file photo, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during the third presidential debate with Democratic pres

Trump's regulatory gimmick is pretty dumb -- and it might just work.

'Add one, cut two' is itself an overly rigid regulation -- but it might force some creating thinking.
December 1, 2016
Sack cartoon: Nancy Pelosi

Sack cartoon: Nancy Pelosi

Opinion Exchange

The Opinion section is an exchange of ideas produced by the Editorial Board, which operates independently from the newsroom.