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Mike Sauro
August 13, 2018

Counterpoint: Newspaper's series on rape cases totally misrepresents the investigative process

The report is rife with oversimplifications and faulty conclusions. Each assigning decision on a case has a logical reason. I know, because I made many of them.
August 12, 2018

Congress shouldn't be a cash cow for its members

Chris Collins case shows why stricter ethics guidelines are needed.
August 10, 2018

More reminders that the internet never forgets

Got old, potentially embarrassing social media posts? Hit delete.
Jennifer Carnahan
August 10, 2018
Jeff Johnson at Farmfest. ] GLEN STUBBE ï Wednesday, August 8, 2018 All five leading candidates for governor - Republ

Editorial counterpoint: Jeff Johnson should be the GOP nominee

He's truly running because he cares about the state and wants to ensure its continued success and prosperity for all. Working tirelessly, he earned his party's endorsement and my vote.
John Rash
August 10, 2018
Minnesota gubernatorial candidates hold a forum at the FarmFest ag expo in Morgan, Minn., on Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018. The forum featured all five lead

Rash Report: Primary shows Minnesota is a microcosm of broader U.S. trends

Geographic, generational and gender trends, not to mention ideological divides, are apparent in state races.
D.J. Tice
August 10, 2018

Minnesotans, remember: A governor can reshape the high court, quickly

They tend to get relatively more chances to pick judges than presidents do.
Lori Sturdevant
August 10, 2018
Jim Nichols with Erin Murphy at Farmfest. Nichols, a southwestern Minnesota farmer and elder statesman in state politics, is endorsing Murphy this yea

A word from Farmfest: State may soon be managing a crisis

In that context, a former ag commissioner is backing Erin Murphy for governor.
August 10, 2018
Illustration for the Star Tribune

Tax cuts, check; profits, check; high stock prices, check; wage increases … well, the workers must make do

Comprehending an economy where everything but your paycheck is get-up-and-go.
Editorial, Orange County Register
August 10, 2018

To his credit, Trump seems to want U.S. out of Afghanistan

Perpetual war has turned out to be deadly, costly and futile.
August 10, 2018

The poverty rate in America? Who's measuring? How?

Different definitions produce vastly different apparent outcomes.
Brandon Ferdig
August 10, 2018
FILE -- Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist, in his control room in Austin, Feb. 17, 2017. In a friend of the court brief, six free speech

Factors that fueled Alex Jones' rise have produced his predicament

He's always been outrageous; he's even been right at times. Then came a fateful claim.
Robert Moilanen
August 10, 2018

Minnesota has fallen behind the times on disclosure laws

The key for voters is to have relevant information.
Jonathan F. Mack
August 10, 2018
City of Minneapolis
Department of Community Planning and Economic Development
The update to the Cityís Comprehensive Plan will outline citywide p

Minneapolis 2040 Plan: Elite residents got what they voted for

Now, having signaled their virtue, they're peeved that zoning changes might affect their lovely neighborhoods rather than someone else's.
Christine Emba, The Washington Post
August 9, 2018
FILE - In this Tuesday, July 19, 2016 file photo, Alex Jones, center right, is escorted by police out of a crowd of protesters outside the Republican

At last, some necessary limits on Alex Jones' 'free speech'

Infowars' nonsense won't be missed. Private digital platforms have rights, too.
Richard Painter
August 9, 2018
Richard Painter attended a "Pint with Painter" event with voters at Able Seedhouse Brewery in Minneapolis. He spoke for a while, took questions and st

Editorial counterpoint: Endorsement for U.S. Senate left out important points

Yes, ousting Donald Trump is a priority for me, but I've repeatedly addressed other issues, too. Among them are conflicts of interest, including that of Sen. Smith, the newspaper's endorsee.
Mark Dayton
August 9, 2018
Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Erin Murphy talks with voters at the end of a forum ahead of next week's primary, at the annual FarmFest in Redwood

Editorial counterpoint from Mark Dayton: I support Erin Murphy for governor

An excellent leader as a legislator, she has the integrity, values and vision we need.
Joseph Holt, TNS
August 9, 2018
FILE -- Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist, before his show in Austin, Feb. 17, 2017. Over the past several days Apple, Facebook, YouTube

Alex Jones is a repugnant windbag — but let him speak

Censoring voices, as several outlets did with Jones, is a slippery slope. It also lends credence to those who see a conspiracy to stifle conservatives — and it won't stop hate speech. As JFK suggested, it's best to let the people judge truth and falsehood in an open market.
Jeffrey B. Sawyer
August 8, 2018
Some opioids are available as prescription medications. (Dreamstime) ORG XMIT: 1230808

Counterpoint: Thresholds for opioid-addiction treatment must be lowered

We must lower the threshold for non-illicit options that work.
Iris Erlingsdottir
August 8, 2018

Counterpoint: It's not the prescription opioids that are the problem

But unfortunately, that's the easy impression being given.
August 8, 2018
Cities are passing laws to ban plastic straws and companies like Starbucks are doing away with them, but replacements have their own problems. (Dreams

Banning plastic straws won't slurp up our waste problems

An understandable impulse, but the alternatives also have impacts. Better to leave these decisions in the hands of businesses.
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