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October 4, 2016

With Garland in limbo, shorthanded SCOTUS set to begin new term

Sadly, dysfunction is becoming the norm in polarized U.S. government.
David Feinwachs
October 4, 2016

HMOs still hold too much sway in Minnesota health insurance

Neither the Democrats or Republicans are willing to address the health plans' cherry-picking, but the state has contractual leverage and ought to be using it.
Tyler Cowen, Bloomberg View
October 4, 2016

Suburbs will soar on the wings of technology

There's less headwind for breakthroughs such as self-driving cars and drone delivery. Anyway, people want to live there.
Michelle Benson
October 4, 2016

Republican solutions can solve Minnesota's health insurance woes

Bend the cost curve by giving consumers more choices, stripping away unnecessary regulations and providing tax relief on premiums
Andrew Malcolm, Special to McClatchy (TNS)
October 4, 2016
Students siting in on the stage are displayed on television monitors during preparations for the vice-presidential debate between Republican vice-pres

Pence vs. Kaine: This vice presidential debate actuarially matters

So who are these guys? What can we expect?
Jared Bernstein
October 3, 2016
File-This June 7, 1995, file photo shows real estate magnate Donald Trump posing for photos above the floor of the New York Stock Exchange after takin

Trump's taxes show how the game is rigged

This is just another example of the toxic interaction of wealth concentration and money in our politics.
Emma Ashford, Foreign Policy
October 3, 2016
FILE - In this Sept. 3, 2016 file photo, Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks during a campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa. Johnson h

Gary Johnson's 'Aleppo moments' don't undo smart foreign policy platform

Still, gaffes don't help sell the otherwise ripe idea of a more restrained U.S. engagement.
Mark Brandt
October 3, 2016
DAVID JOLES ï -June 2, 2011- Minneapolis, MN- In this photo:] Riders take the light-rail during morning rush hour. Once de

On a light-rail train in Minneapolis, a good deed done right

It was a random — and quiet — act of kindness
Jonathan Allen, CQ-Roll Call (TNS)
October 3, 2016
Gov. Mike Pence, Donald Trump's running mate, in York, Pa., Sept. 29, 2016. On Tuesday, Pence will debate Sen. Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton's nominee, i

Mike Pence and the path to power for the GOP

The party has Trump, but it also has a strong lineup of up-and-comers, and the Democrats don't. So the vice presidential debate will really be about 2020 and beyond.
Faye Flam, Bloomberg View
October 3, 2016

How news releases and embargoes distort science coverage

A recent hacking incident has generated discussion about how the science research publicity machine produces a false sense of urgency.
October 1, 2016

Aftermath of expected assault on Mosul is biggest concern

Driving out ISIL is one thing. What comes next?
John Kass
October 1, 2016

Are Democrats impotent in responding to crime?

Chicago is an object lesson.
Editorial, Rochester Post-Bulletin
September 30, 2016

Too many lives are being lost to distracted driving

For grieving dads like Matt Logan, the issue is personal.
John Rash
September 30, 2016
A Turkish paramilitary police officer carried the lifeless body of Aylan Kurdi, 3. Members of the Chicago Fire Department worked on a gunshot victim a

Rash Report: Unreal presidential race has little to offer a world of real trouble

Debates not only need fact-checking, but should have future-checking, too.
Matt Look, Randy Maluchnik, Nancy Schouweiler and Jon Ulrich
September 30, 2016
Rendering provided by Met Council
A rendering of the Southwest Light Rail train passing through the Kenilworth Lagoon. ORG XMIT: MIN1607201316000459

It's long past time to make the Met Council accountable to the public

We, the elected leaders of Anoka, Dakota, Carver and Scott counties believe that time has come.
Miriam Valverde, PolitiFact
September 30, 2016
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gestures during the presidential debate with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Hofstra U

PolitiFact: Deportation, the path to citizenship for 1,800?

Trump got this statistic correct, so it's worth exploring how the mistakes occurred. Lack of modernized records played a role.
Lori Sturdevant
September 30, 2016

Where do Minnesota Republicans go after Trump?

One possible direction can be found in the Conservative Energy Forum.
Kristen Polito
September 30, 2016

Wells Fargo's insatiable greed made me a monster

The emphasis was on arm-twisting customers into accepting things they did not want or need. And your job depended on it.
September 30, 2016

Court of Appeals should reject challenge to Obama's clean energy plan

U.S. needs strict limits on coal- and gas-fired power plans.
Oliver Steinberg
September 30, 2016

Counterpoint: Third- or even fourth-party candidates can play key roles

Not only do they offer remedies for hyper-partisan gridlock, but they can provide road tests for new ideas and controversial reforms.
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