Bakken, Mavis Nora born 5/13/1938, passed away in Maple Grove, MN on 9/20/22. Mavis was born in Minot, ND. She always said she had an idyllic childhood surrounded by grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. She worked from the time she was 16, bookkeeping for her Dad at Farmers Union. Then moving to Minneapolis for a career as an Assistant Controller and Accounting Systems Analyst in banking and health insurance, blazing trails for women to come. She was the initiator of endless political and historical conversation. Keeper of the family tree. Baker of lefse and Norwegian cookies. Creator of countless photo albums. Hostess of family reunions and event coordinator for her beloved Red Fox Cove neighborhood. As her granddaughter said, "She always had a bed made for anyone that needed to rest a night and always had a meal ready when you were hungry." She truly opened her home and heart to everyone in need and the best memories were made gathering around her dining room table. She was preceded in death by her husband Kirby Smith, parents Andrew and Anne Bakken, her brother Arville Bakken and sister Jackie Hennessy. She is survived by her nieces that she lovingly cared for after her sister Jackie died, Jolene Hennessy (Hunter James) and LuAnne Moeller (Garret Moeller), grandchildren Jackie and Saundra Moeller, Jalynn, Paul and Alexandra Fort, great-grandchildren Luci and Greyson Moeller and Da'Jaye Vaughn. Also, her dear niece and nephews Erik, Heather and Karl, their families and sister-in-law Ardys. A Celebration of Life will be held Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Unity Minneapolis, 4000 Golden Valley Rd, Golden Valley, MN. "Rest now, dear Mavis. So many of your dear friends and relatives love you and will always miss you."

Published on September 23, 2022