Staff Directory 10837101

Noor Adwan

Opinion-Editorial Producer | Newsroom

Noor Adwan is a Star Tribune summer intern from the University of Minnesota.

Recent content from Noor Adwan
Pride Month merchandise is displayed at a Target store on May 31, 2023 in San Francisco. Target pulled some of its Pride Month merchandise from stores

Noor Adwan: Target finds waffling bad for business

While the retailer is able to opt out of marketing and product decisions that rouse homo- and transphobes, LGBTQ+ individuals don't have the choice to opt out of their identities.
A Jan. 28, 2015 aerial photo shows an agricultural field, in Sebeka, Minn. The mixed pine forests of central Minnesota are rapidly being replaced to g

Noor Adwan: The epoch it is a-changing

Welcome to the Anthropocene.
Five young women are dead after a driver ran a red light and struck their car in June. Above, the Interstate 35W highway overpass near the crash site.

Harsher sentencing may not prevent car killings

But a mesh of preventative policies just might.