Q: I can't get the inside of my car windshield clean. I have tried newspaper, glass cleaner and vinegar, and it is still streaked. Any suggestions?

A: Try a glass cleaning product formulated for automobiles. Household cleaners do not do as well. Use a microfiber towel to clean the glass — twice. And then, use a clean dry microfiber towel to polish the glass. To slow the buildup, consider getting a dashboard cover. It won't prevent the film, but it might slow it down.

Soapy surplus

Q: An article I saw on how to clean dirt and grime off a car windshield said to put liquid dish detergent in the fluid reservoir. I put a generous amount of the detergent in the reservoir, put the wipers on and sprayed. I noticed a film on the windshield. I reread the article, and it turns out that I was supposed to use only a few drops of detergent. I drained and refilled the reservoir using water and changed the wipers. But I still am seeing the film. What can I do?

A: Although I have no personal experience with it. glass stripper from Invisible Glass reportedly will remove water spots, as well as hard water minerals, silicones, waxes, oils, tar, tree sap, road salt and grime. According to the company, it contains mild abrasives for cleaning without scratching.

No coverup

Q: I have a 2012 Camry. The under-engine cover came loose while I was driving on the highway. I found out it was likely caused by not tightening the screws after my last oil change. I had to pay $300 for a cover. Several months later, I had the same problem. The dealership removed it and said it would not cause any problems. Do you think it's safe to drive without replacing the cover?

A: The lower engine cover improves fuel economy by providing a smooth surface for air to pass by. It also offers some protection against road debris. It is not essential, as your dealership stated, but there's no reason to give up on it. A repair shop can replace it and probably for less money. Ask them to apply Loctite to the bolt threads to prevent loosening.

No parking

Q: I'm a handicapped senior citizen. When I go shopping at some stores, I find the handicapped parking spots taken up by charging stations for electric cars. Even if it's easier to run an electric line closer to the store, it's really unfair that a handicapped person would have to walk farther.

A: I'm shocked that a store would be so thoughtless. I'm not even sure it's legal; many handicapped parking spots are designated by the city. Complain to the store manager and the company's customer service department. If enough folks complain, they might create more convenient designated parking spaces.

Bob Weber is a writer, mechanic and ASE-certified Master Automobile Technician. His writing has appeared in automotive trade publications, Consumer Guide and Consumers Digest. Send automotive questions along with name and town to motormouth.tribune@gmail.com.