The Minnesota DFL is likely to donate $2,065 to charity in order to offset political donations from a federally indicted former nonprofit CEO that were made since current DFL Chair Ken Martin took office.

Martin said Tuesday afternoon that he determined that was the amount that Bill Davis, the former Community Action of Minneapolis CEO, donated to the DFL since Martin took over the party in 2011. On Monday, Davis pleaded not guilty to federal theft and fraud charges stemming from allegations he misspent taxpayer money.

"From my perspective we're really concerned about any individual who would use their position of influence to take money from needy individuals and misappopriate it for their own purposes," Martin said. He said the DFL would officially announce its decision on Wednesday, and name the charity.

The Minnesota Jobs Coalition, a Republican-aligned political group, called earlier Tuesday for the DFL to return donations from Davis or donate them to charity. Minnesota Public Radio News first reported that Martin was considering doing so.