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November 27, 2020
Demand for real Christmas trees up during pandemic

Demand for real Christmas trees up during pandemic

The real Christmas tree industry, which has been battling an increased interest in artificial trees, is overjoyed to see that more Americans appear to be flocking to fresh-cut evergreens this season.
November 25, 2020
Biden makes unity appeal in Thanksgiving-eve address

Biden makes unity appeal in Thanksgiving-eve address

He asked Americans to "steel our spines" for a fight against the coronavirus that he predicted would continue for months.
November 24, 2020
Light lines greet holiday week travelers

Light lines greet holiday week travelers

Holiday travel, amid a global pandemic, saw light lines, inexpensive flights and spacious seating on planes for some travelers.
October 29, 2020

When COVID disrupts prep football, you never know who, or if, you're going to play

Adjusting game plans to a new opponent, often at the last minute, adds stress to an already-difficult season, metro area players said. But they still treasure just being able to play.
October 21, 2020
CDC redefines COVID-19 close contact

CDC redefines COVID-19 close contact

Shorter but repeated contacts that add up to 15 minutes over a 24-hour period now count.
October 14, 2020
Nursing assistant Monica Brodsky, left, and nurse Taylor Mathisen worked at a drive-through testing site for COVID-19 at the UW Health Administrative

Wisconsin sees record hospitalizations

The 1,017 people hospitalized beat the previous high of 950 set just a day before.
October 10, 2020
President Donald Trump speaks from the Blue Room Balcony of the White House to a crowd of supporters, Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020, in Washington.

Trump delivers remarks to the public at White House

Trump on Saturday said he was "feeling great" in his recovery from the coronavirus.
October 9, 2020
On Monday, President Donald Trump holds his mask after removing it from his face as he stands on the Blue Room Balcony upon returning to the White Hou

Fauci: Trump rally would be within CDC guidelines

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease expert, didn't join critics of the Trump campaign timeline to resume.
October 7, 2020
In a new White House video posted Wednesday evening, President Donald Trump said his illness had shed light on an experimental antibody cocktail that

Trump: Experimental therapy 'a cure for me'

The president attributed how well he was feeling to the antibody therapy he got from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
October 6, 2020
New York Gov. Cuomo orders crackdown in COVID hotspots

New York Gov. Cuomo orders crackdown in COVID hotspots

The new restrictions announced on Tuesday include limits on religious services, mass gatherings and indoor dining in affected areas.
October 2, 2020
Trump releases video, says he's doing 'very well'

Trump releases video, says he's doing 'very well'

The video came out as he headed to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days.
October 2, 2020
President Donald Trump arrives at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, in Bethesda, Md., Friday, Oct. 2, 2020, on Marine One helicopter after

Trump arrives at Walter Reed after COVID diagnosis

Trump took a short flight in the Marine One helicopter from the White House to the medical complex in Bethesda, Md.
October 2, 2020
Trump's age, health raise risk for virus illness

Trump's age, health raise risk for virus illness

Dr. David Boulware, professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota, and others give an assessment.
September 23, 2020
Doctor: First vaccines won't offer full protection

Doctor: First vaccines won't offer full protection

Americans likely will need to wear masks and stay socially distant, according to Dr. Emily Landon.
September 22, 2020
Trump: 200,000 virus deaths milestone 'a shame'

Trump: 200,000 virus deaths milestone 'a shame'

He told reporters at the White House that if his administration hadn't taken all the actions it did, that number would "be substantially more."
September 16, 2020
President Donald Trump called the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "confused” in projecting a longer time frame for a coro

Trump: CDC head 'confused' about vaccine timeline

Dr. Robert Redfield "made a mistake when he said that. It's just incorrect information," and insisted again that the U.S. could be ready to start distributing a vaccine next month, Trump said.
September 16, 2020
Biden: I trust scientists, not Trump, on vaccine

Biden: I trust scientists, not Trump, on vaccine

The Democrat spoke to reporters at an event in Wilmington, Delaware, after being briefed by public health experts about a potential vaccine.
September 9, 2020
Trump: 'I don't want to create panic' over COVID

Trump: 'I don't want to create panic' over COVID

President Donald Trump defended his remarks and actions regarding the coronavirus threat, insisting he didn't "want people to be frightened."
August 19, 2020
Trump urges colleges to keep in-person learning

Trump urges colleges to keep in-person learning

Trump downplayed the likelihood of severe illness from the coronavirus among young people, saying it was comparable to the "seasonal flu."
August 11, 2020
Experts concerned about Russia's virus vaccine

Experts concerned about Russia's virus vaccine

The announcement on Tuesday came despite international skepticism.

COVID-19 updates

The latest news and expert advice on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.