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September 16, 2020
Biden: I trust scientists, not Trump, on vaccine

Biden: I trust scientists, not Trump, on vaccine

The Democrat spoke to reporters at an event in Wilmington, Delaware, after being briefed by public health experts about a potential vaccine.
September 9, 2020
Trump: 'I don't want to create panic' over COVID

Trump: 'I don't want to create panic' over COVID

President Donald Trump defended his remarks and actions regarding the coronavirus threat, insisting he didn't "want people to be frightened."
August 19, 2020
Trump urges colleges to keep in-person learning

Trump urges colleges to keep in-person learning

Trump downplayed the likelihood of severe illness from the coronavirus among young people, saying it was comparable to the "seasonal flu."
August 11, 2020
Experts concerned about Russia's virus vaccine

Experts concerned about Russia's virus vaccine

The announcement on Tuesday came despite international skepticism.
August 8, 2020
Trump: Virus relief agreement or he'll go it alone

Trump: Virus relief agreement or he'll go it alone

"If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage, I will act under my authority as president to get Americans the relief they need," he said.
August 7, 2020
Relief talks fail in D.C.,; Treasury secretary sees executive action

Relief talks fail in D.C.,; Treasury secretary sees executive action

A last-ditch effort by Democrats to revive collapsing Capitol Hill talks on vital COVID-19 rescue money ended in disappointment
August 7, 2020

With no fall proving ground, what's a Minnesota prep football recruit to do?

The Minnesota State High School League’s decision to move football and volleyball to spring — a result of the COVID-19 pandemic — has left recruiting plans for many hopeful college players in disarray.
July 24, 2020
Biden: Trump won't do 'hard work' to open schools

Biden: Trump won't do 'hard work' to open schools

In an interview this week with a Phoenix television station, the Democrat said his opponent was worried about re-election.
July 24, 2020
White House: Schools, teachers considered 'essential'

White House: Schools, teachers considered 'essential'

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany doubled down on President Donald Trump's insistence that U.S. schools reopen in the fall.
July 24, 2020
Trump 'felt it was wrong' to host Florida convention

Trump 'felt it was wrong' to host Florida convention

Trump's formal renomination will still go forward in North Carolina.
July 23, 2020
Trump says some schools may need to delay opening

Trump says some schools may need to delay opening

It marks a shift from Trump's previous demand for a full reopening of the nation's schools this fall.
July 21, 2020
Trump urges mask wearing: 'If you can, use the mask'

Trump urges mask wearing: 'If you can, use the mask'

Trump showed off his mask from the White House briefing room podium.
July 14, 2020
A subject received a shot in March in the first-stage safety study clinical trial of a potential vaccine by Moderna for COVID-19 at the Kaiser Permane

Positive result for 1st U.S. COVID-19 vaccine trial

The first COVID-19 vaccine tested in the U.S. revved up people's immune systems just the way scientists had hoped, researchers reported.
July 11, 2020
Trump wears mask in public for first time

Trump wears mask in public for first time

As he left the White House, he told reporters: "When you're in a hospital, especially ... I think it's expected to wear a mask."
July 7, 2020
Trump says he will pressure governors to open schools

Trump says he will pressure governors to open schools

"It's very important for our country. It's very important for the well-being of the student and the parents. So we're going to be putting a lot of pressure on," Trump said during a round-table discussion.
July 7, 2020
NEA president slams Trump's idea to reopen schools

NEA president slams Trump's idea to reopen schools

Lily Eskelsen García called the president's suggestion callous.
July 1, 2020
Pence reiterates wearing a mask is 'a good idea'

Pence reiterates wearing a mask is 'a good idea'

The vice president was joined by the surgeon general in a Coronavirus Task Force briefing.
June 30, 2020
U.S. health officials face questions on virus vaccine

U.S. health officials face questions on virus vaccine

Top health officials faced tough questions on Capitol Hill about a vaccine for the coronavirus and the need for transparency in the process.
June 12, 2020
Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shown in February.

CDC outlines tips for minimizing virus risk

It also posted a second set guidelines for organizing and attending big gatherings such as concerts, sporting events, protests and political rallies.
May 27, 2020

WATCH: Our StribLIVE town hall with U doctors talking about COVID-19

COVID-19 updates

The latest news and expert advice on the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.