Tracie Bennett in the London production of "End of the Rainbow" (photo by Robert Day)

"End of the Rainbow," a musical drama that focuses on the final performances of Judy Garland, will move to Broadway after it makes its American premiere at the Guthrie early next year.

When the Guthrie announced its 2011-12 season on Monday, Director Joe Dowling said commercial producers were giving the theater enhancement money for the production, in anticipation of future development. At the time, Dowling said, he knew of no deal.

Producers in London, where the show originated, said Tuesday that they do in fact plan to move the show to New York after the Twin Cities premiere, according to Lee Henderson, a spokesman for the theater.

The Guthrie production will feature actor Tracie Bennett repeating her performance from London. The show, written by Peter Quilter, is directed by Terry Johnson.

The engagement at the Guthrie is scheduled for Jan. 28-March 11.

Last summer, the Guthrie produced "The Scottsboro Boys" and that show later went to Broadway with producers Fran and Barry Weissler. Reviews in New York were mixed and show closed last winter.