Q: We'd like to dine at outdoor restaurants with our puppy, but we're not sure it's safe for him. What do we need to know before we go?

A: Whether you're out having dinner or at weekend brunch at a pet-friendly restaurant, the American Kennel Club shares the following tips on how to dine with your dog safely:

Hydration is key: Because outdoor dining is most popular during the summer months, temperatures can climb, especially when sitting for extended periods in the sun. Make sure your dog stays hydrated and that you bring a bowl or doggie dish from home that can be filled with water. If your pooch looks to be panting heavy, it's time to grab the check.

Puppy-proof: Before settling in at the table or looking at the menu, be sure to do a scan of the area and under the table and chairs to ensure there is nothing your dog can snack on. Certain fattening foods can cause pancreatitis or other health issues in dogs, and there's also the risk of foods that might make your dog sick, like chocolate or raisins.

Bring a toy or two: Having a meal and catching up with friends can be a wonderful time, but your dog may get bored quickly while under the table and on a short leash. Bring something entertaining for him, too, like an interactive toy or various treats.

Know your dog: If your dog gets easily stressed or anxious in busy environments, it's best to leave them at home when going out. This way, you (and other restaurant patrons) can enjoy a meal without worrying about making your dog uncomfortable.