Remember when VH1 began? No? It was the grown-up version of MTV. Unspoken promise: no rap or guys with lots of tattoos and piercings. Curly-haired non-threatening sax players, ballads, and maybe some Whitney if we're feeling really wild. That was a long time ago. Recently the channel has been home to "reality" shows with imaginative names - Tough Love, Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, and so on. By "love," of course, they mean "sex between people whose collective IQ barely hits 3 digits."

Now VH1 has a promise to its advertisers: fewer skanks, dbs, and series that make you feel like you'll get an STD from touching the remote! This may be the quote of the year:

Only in Hollywood: no more manufactured reality; let's have some authentic reality.

VH1 will release 44 series this season - yes, forty-four. As many series as the United States has had presidents in its entire history.

Hey, there's a reality show idea. Ex-presidents, lookin' for love! Sorry. That would be wrong. And I think the History Channel tried that a few years back anyway.