Age: 38, Party or principal: Local energy/food, Job and title: Farmer and software engineering consultant, Agronomic Artist and Holistic Engineer, Neighborhood: East Phillips, Website:

Priority, if elected: My priority is to provide this city with a choice, and a voice in where food and energy come from. I'll do this by looking locally for energy, and to urban farmers who have the ability to own the urban gardens they farm, with local currency options to keep wealth in our community. We also have an important choice in the energy we citizens and businesses in Minneapolis will use and pay over $15 billion for in the next 30 years. Vote for me in the top three to get an energy alternative to utility business as usual.

Ideas for job/population growth: Promote urban solar, make it easier to start a local food business, and improve transit effectiveness.

Ideas to reduce crime: Transparency, both of police and of crime reports. Find ways to get a block club leader on every block.

Ideas to lower property taxes: Allow payment of property taxes in a local currency.

Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? I think the citizens and fans of the Vikings need a voice, and a choice by funding the stadium by selling shares in the team.

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? No.

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? No.

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