Q Is there a way to keep mold from growing in our tiled bath and shower? We use the bathroom fan, but the mold just continues to grow. How do we remove it?

A Mold likes to grow in warm, moist places, and the soap scum and dead skin cells found in bathrooms supply the mold with food.

Remove mold by scrubbing with a solution of 1 cup chlorine bleach, 2 tablespoons liquid detergent that does not contain ammonia, and 1 gallon of water. Use an old toothbrush to clean the grout. Let the surface dry, then rinse with clear water.

To keep mold at bay:

• Be sure the fan exhausts to the outdoors (you should see the fan housing on the roof or wall above the fan). It should not exhaust to the attic or other interior space!

• Be sure the fan is effective. Pull apart a two-ply facial tissue and hold it up to the operating exhaust fan. If it pulls and holds the tissue to it, it's probably effectively exhausting the bathroom.

• Run the fan longer. Many people make the mistake of operating the exhaust fan only when showering or bathing. It needs to run for 15 or more minutes after you've showered or bathed. (Noisy fans are annoying, so people often turn them off before they can finish their work. If you decide to replace your fan, get as quiet a fan as possible.)

• Wipe down or squeegie shower surfaces after use. Every time.

• Try a product sprayed on shower tiles after showering, such as Clean Shower, to slow mold growth.

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