Source: Google maps

Maryland Avenue between Greenbrier Street and Johnson Parkway in St. Paul is a four-lane thoroughfare with two travel lanes in each direction. But the segment which handles between 15,700 vehicles on the east end to 18,300 vehicles on the west end is going down to three lanes, with one travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane.

Ramsey County will test the configuration this spring, starting in mid-May when crews resurface and restripe the road. The test will look at how the arrangement impacts on traffic speed and volume, bus delays and pedestrian crossings.

Maryland Avenue will remain open to traffic during the test project, but motorists can expect lane closures or detours may affect traffic and driveway access during resurfacing.

An open house to explain the test will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the East Side Freedom Library 1105 Greenbrier Street, St. Paul.