No one owns the solstice —

not the Christians, not the Jews,

not Morgan Chase, not Zuckerberg,

and (thank God) not Fox News.

Republicans don't own it.

Democrats don't either.

The solstice doesn't want our vote

and so we get a breather.

It will not be deported

because of where it's from.

It won't be sold, like Christmas was,


We can't deregulate the sun.

We cannot raise its taxes.

It's just a big ol' ball of flame

to which we all have access.

Let's hear it for the loyal star

that keeps us all alive

and doesn't give a rat's butt

if the Nasdaq takes a dive.

It's been in power for ages

without scandals, lies, or doping

or icky allegations

or history of groping.

It works by day, it works by night,

and doesn't mind repeating.

It stays on task — no hype, no tweets —

just lighting … and heating.

What's more, it's not a militant

for any cause or state.

It just does what it can to make

our solar system great.

The solstice. What a faithful friend!

And we are here to praise it.

So dear ones, if you have a glass,

now's the time to raise it.

Kathleen Tucker lives in St. Paul. The winter solstice will occur at 10:28 a.m. Thursday (Central time).