Back from a 6 day marathon at the Sugar Shack! Now I know why my favorite wife says "you're so sweet!"

Last report here was about being too warm for the sap to run. Well, the freezing nights started last Friday, followed by extreme warm days, and as predicted, the sap run has been a "gusher". After collecting the first sap last Friday evening, the fire under the 39" x 84" boiling pan was lit early Saturday morning and just yesterday was turned off for the first time since. I've seen enough! But it will run without me another few days until the nights stay too warm.

It surely has been a spring, so far, to remember, from a weather standpoint. No one I know, old but with a good memory, can recall a start to spring like this year. The big ice sheet covering Lake Mille Lacs moved due to wind yesterday. That alone, is a sign of a very early spring. That first ice shift, which is a prelim' to ice out, usually isn't a part of things until mid-April most years. If this trend holds, ice out on the big lake could be one of the earliest in history. And our roads among the maples were almost dry this spring, unlike 4 wheel drive mud levels in past years.

But one thing for sure, our sugar bush will live to grow another year! The past few days, the hard maples, many over 100 years old, got a good dose of spring nourishment. The hard freezing temps and warm days primed their pumps and the flow UP the trees was fast and steady. Some dripped well over 100 drops per minute for 12 to 14 hours per day. By evening each day, the buckets have been hanging heavy. And our arms soon after, have been stretched to the limit. Heck, I think it was easier to pull on my socks today with that extra reach I have now. No doubt, it is the true form of March Madness in Wealthwood Minnesota. Sleeping in more than one hour intervals will be a welcomed touch in the coming days.

Again, a big thank you goes out to the sappy Wealthwood crew that helped with this years March Madness and also a big thank you to the Dally's at The Red Door Resort for allowing us the opportunity to tap their sweet stand of liquid gold trees.

Now, where's the new line UPS dropped off the other day? It's time to see my favorite wife roll her eyes with a few dozen fishing rods leaning on all the living room walls as they get ready for the next "opener". contact Steve at 651-270-3383 or