Mayor Coleman asks St. Paul teachers to reconsider Q Comp plan

Coleman is concerned about losing $9M in potential funding. Union negotiators point to other money.

September 19, 2013 at 4:13AM

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman has asked the St. Paul Federation of Teachers to reconsider its refusal to work with the school district on a Q Comp alternative teacher pay plan.

Of major concern to the mayor is the union's willingness to leave $9 million in potential funding "on the table, particularly after voters have repeatedly opened their pocketbooks" in recent school-levy votes, Coleman wrote in a letter Wednesday to union President Mary Cathryn Ricker.

Union negotiators informed district leaders Tuesday that they were turning down a request to collaborate on a Q Comp plan, and while leaders did not explain their reasoning to the district, they told union members and reporters that a key concern was that it would draw time and energy away from contract goals laid out in a union booklet, "The Schools St. Paul Children Deserve."

The district, in seeking to gain union participation, has noted that a recent Q Comp plan negotiated in Minneapolis downplays the original emphasis on performance pay and could generate $9 million in funding — money for teacher professional development and other purposes.

In a letter to members, the union's bargaining team has pointed to the district's $47.6 million fund balance as a possible resource to "meet the critical needs of St. Paul students."

To that, the mayor wrote that the union "appears to be saying that it is turning down $9 million because our schools have more than enough financial resources to carry out its important work of closing the achievement gap."

The two sides are expected to resume negotiations Thursday on a new teachers contract.

Anthony Lonetree • 651-925-5036

about the writer

Anthony Lonetree


Anthony Lonetree has been covering St. Paul Public Schools and general K-12 issues for the Star Tribune since 2012-13. He began work in the paper's St. Paul bureau in 1987 and was the City Hall reporter for five years before moving to various education, public safety and suburban beats.

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