Letter of the Day (Nov. 20): Holiday overload

Fireworks before the 4th. Christmas carols in mid-November. There's really no sense in it.

November 19, 2013 at 11:26PM
Star Tribune file photos ORG XMIT: MIN2013111910330630
Star Tribune file photos ORG XMIT: MIN2013111910330630 (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Question: What do the following two occurrences have in common? No. 1: People lighting off illegal fireworks in residential neighborhoods the entire month leading up to the July 4th holiday. No. 2: Salvation Army bell ringers singing Christmas carols in mid-November.

Answer: Both are uncalled for and offend the sensibilities. Next year I think I'll take my son trick-or-treating on Sept. 20.


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