About 150 people marched in St. Paul on Monday, shutting down traffic during the evening rush-hour, to protest police use of lethal force.
Rally shuts down traffic in St. Paul during Monday rush hour
The rally, part of the national Black Lives Matter movement, was held to mark the one-year anniversary of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo. Overnight, police arrested nearly two dozen during sometimes chaotic protests in the St. Louis suburb.
Chanting "black lives matter," the St. Paul group stopped traffic on University Avenue for about 45 minutes. Protesters also staged a four-minute "die-in" at the intersection of Snelling and University avenues, stopping Green Line trains for about 15 minutes.
Demonstrators also gathered at the Western District police station in St. Paul in support off Marcus Golden, who was fatally shot in St. Paul by police in January. In May, a Washington County grand jury cleared the officers of wrongdoing when it declined to indict them.