2 children killed, 3 others injured in crash near Prescott

Three others were injured near Prescott, Wis., as an SUV lost control and was struck by a large truck.

December 14, 2013 at 6:00AM
The driver and passengers in this truck that struck an out-of-control SUV near Prescott, Wis., were not injured. Two girls riding in the SUV, ages 12 and 5, were killed. Three people were hospitalized. (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

An SUV that spun out Thurs­day on a Wis­con­sin high­way near Pres­cott slid into the path of an on­com­ing truck, leav­ing two chil­dren dead and three oth­er peo­ple hos­pi­tal­ized, the Pierce County Sher­iff's Office said Fri­day.

Killed were the 11-year-old daugh­ter and a 5-year-old niece of the SUV driv­er, who was iden­ti­fied Fri­day as Kari Milberg, 32, of Centuria, Wis.

Milberg re­mains hos­pi­tal­ized in criti­cal con­di­tion at Re­gions Hospital in St. Paul.

Her 3-year-old son and a se­cond 5-year-old niece also re­mained hos­pi­tal­ized, but no in­for­ma­tion was avail­able on their con­di­tions. The chil­dren's names weren't re­leased.

The col­li­sion oc­cur­red about 3:40 p.m. Thurs­day on Hwy. 35 in Oak Grove Township, east of Hastings, the Sher­iff's Office said.

The driv­er of the truck, Jose Men­do­za, 24, of Rockford, Ill., was not in­jured, nor were his two pas­sen­gers.

The in­itial in­ves­ti­ga­tion de­ter­mined Milberg was head­ed south in a 2005 Saturn Vue SUV when it ro­tated side­ways across the road­way into the north­bound lane, Sher­iff Nan­cy Hove said. The truck col­lided with the rear of the SUV near 468th Avenue. Milberg's 11-year-old daugh­ter died at the scene, and her 5-year-old niece was de­clared dead at River Falls Area Hospital.

The Sher­iff's Office is in­ves­ti­gat­ing road con­di­tions to determine if they were a fac­tor. The Wis­con­sin State Patrol is re­con­struct­ing the ac­ci­dent.

Kari Milberg and her fam­i­ly live about an hour north of the ac­ci­dent scene, along Hwy. 35 in Centuria, which is in Polk County.

Milberg is a night-shift nurse and sin­gle moth­er, said Kar­en Chris­tian­sen, who lives next to the farm­house that she rents to Milberg. Christiansen, po­lice and oth­ers are watch­ing over the home.

"It's so terri­ble that this hap­pened," Chris­tian­sen said, chok­ing up. "Her daugh­ter was a sweet girl."

Joy Powell • 612-673-7750.

Paul Walsh • 612-673-4482

about the writer

Paul Walsh


Paul Walsh is a general assignment reporter at the Star Tribune. He wants your news tips, especially in and near Minnesota.

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