Q: How do I know if turntable technology has progressed to the point where I should invest in something new? I have a 1980s Revox B791 turntable and a 1970s AR turntable, both with Shure V15 cartridges. Both still work great and sound great. Has turntable technology surpassed what I have, and is it worth the cost?

A: You have very fine vintage equipment. Based on your assessment that your gear still performs well, you would have to spend upward of $1,500 for a turntable upgrade that would make a noticeable difference.

Unlike digital components, there is a tremendous amount of variation with vinyl record playback equipment. Besides the sonic differences, high-end vinyl components have to be carefully matched to each other to perform well together. I've said it before, but it's worth repeating: One of the best aspects about turntables and vinyl records is that you can continually tweak your system and try new things to improve the sound. And one of the worst aspects about turntables and vinyl records is that you can continually tweak your system and try new things to improve the sound. It's easy to get caught up in a continuous upgrade path that never ends.

One way to get world-class sound quality from vinyl without fussing over component matching is the $1,699 Cambridge Audio Alva TT (cambridgeaudio.com). It has a pre-mounted high-output moving-coil cartridge, a built-in phono preamp and both wired and Bluetooth connections. Setting it up and connecting it is about as easy as adding a CD player.

When I first read about the Alva TT and saw it at trade shows, I was a little skeptical despite the manufacturer's fine reputation and the product's impressive appearance and jewel-like build quality. All-in-one turntable packages with pre-mounted cartridges, a built-in phono preamp and Bluetooth tend to be the domain of entry-level gear, and when audiophiles spend $1,699 on a turntable, they typically like to choose their own phono preamp and cartridge.

When I finally tested it at home, I realized the brilliance of the concept and the impressive execution. The turntable, arm, cartridge and phono preamp are absolutely perfectly matched.

This is the first time I have ever experienced pristine, world-class high-end sound from a plug-and-play turntable package. The Alva TT's sound is beguiling and sweet, with quiet backgrounds and a dynamic quality that makes the music come alive. It is also very forgiving of dusty or damaged records. I would not change a thing.

The beautiful sound, unmatched convenience and premium quality construction make it a high-end bargain. Besides, it is like buying two turntables because it can play in more than one place. When I tested it, I connected the wired output to my amplifier and the Bluetooth to an UPstage 360 speaker in my bedroom, so I enjoyed it in two rooms without moving it around. Lots of other reviewers are singing the praises of the Alva TT, and lpgear.com posted a nice summary of other reviews on their Alva TT page if you want to read more.

I don't need one, but I'm probably going to buy one.

Send questions to Don Lindich at donlindich@gmail.com. Get recommendations and read past columns at soundadvicenews.com.