Readers Write (Sept. 13): For-profit college, abortion ad, Hillary Clinton's illness, Jacob Wetterling case, light rail

Avoid wielding a broad brush regarding Globe University, Minnesota School of Business.

September 12, 2016 at 11:00PM (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

I fear that the actions taken by the State Office of Higher Education against Globe University and the Minnesota School of Business ("Globe U schools will be closed," Sept. 9) and the publicity of that action will do tremendous harm to the many students and graduates of those schools who don't deserve to have their accomplishments besmirched.

I taught accounting at Minnesota School of Business (MSB) from 2001 to 2014. In that time, I also taught at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system schools and at private, not-for-profit liberal arts colleges in the Twin Cities. The students at MSB were taught the same curriculum with largely the same materials and, in many cases, with greater rigor than at those other fine schools. I can also say that in those 13 years, I was never pressured or even subtly coaxed to change a grade. The faculties that I worked with were made up of highly motivated individuals who passionately dedicated themselves to providing quality and relevant educations. Most of them could have made considerably more money practicing in their professions.

I can personally aver that I know of hundreds of MSB graduates who are, and will continue to be, tremendous assets to their employers and are successful students in graduate curricula. I would hire any of them in a heartbeat.

I don't think anyone could argue that those students who enrolled at Globe/MSB based on false assertions should not be recompensed, and perhaps punitive damages are appropriate. I also believe, however, that it is incumbent on the Office of Higher Education to take steps to alleviate the damage that will, no doubt, be done to those students who had nothing to do with these escapades. I would also strongly urge employers to not allow this publicity to unduly influence hiring decisions. They will be glad they didn't.

Chris Strand, Minneapolis

On abortion, the church is clear; there can be no two ways about it

This is in reference to the full-page advertisement in Monday's paper featuring Heather Hirsch representing Catholics for Choice. Just another example of a person calling themselves Catholic when they are not. If a person is truly Catholic, they cannot be for choice. Perhaps Hirsch would benefit from studying the Catholic Catechism. Now may be a good time to refresh our memories and hearts with the words of St. Teresa of Calcutta: "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die that you might live as you wish."

Margaret Betlock, Bloomington

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As lifelong conservative Catholics for nearly seven decades, my wife and I were shocked and saddened to see the ad "Abortion In Good Faith." A relatively new group, Catholics for Choice, is apparently asking all Catholics to "Take The Pledge:" to support public funding for abortion as "a Catholic social justice value."

The position of the Catholic Church on this topic is very clear. Our Pope Francis supports social justice in many forms, but not abortion. An abortion is one of the most difficult decisions any woman will ever make, and one she will agonize over for the rest of her life.

We share our love and compassion for all humanity, and believe in a merciful God. Some of the members of our church may be prochoice, but they must not promote choice and public funding for abortion in the name of Catholicism.

Michael Tillemans, Minneapolis

The story was underplayed. No, the story was overplayed.

I looked for the story discussing Hillary Clinton's illness on Sunday at the 9/11 event. I was quite surprised to have to go below the fold to locate the small lead-in article. Seeing Clinton near collapse is a significant story. Donald Trump is a repugnant figure. That does not justify your apparent downplaying of this event.

Tom Olson, St. Louis Park

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I am aware that we are in a hyperpoliticized environment right now. Be that as it may, this should not translate into placing Secretary Clinton's bout with pneumonia in only that context. What I learned from my parents is this: When someone is sick, you show compassion and wish them a speedy recovery, perhaps even drop off some soup or other food. It is difficult to fathom how far our media and Clinton's opponents have moved from this type of response. I, for one, will say: Secretary Clinton, please feel better soon.

Therese Cain, Minneapolis

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My best to you, Hillary, as you recover from walking pneumonia. I've had that several times, a common thing to get, and it's contagious. All you need is to have someone sneeze near you and germs are spread through the air. Even though you're not sick enough to be hospitalized (in most cases), it does make you weak and it wears you out. Time and antibiotics usually take care of it. I'm sure you've come in close contact with someone who had it on the campaign trail as you meet and greet your fans.

The other thought I had when I heard about you having this is about how many times as women and mothers we have been sick, and we just get up each day and take care of our families and our jobs regardless of not feeling our best. I certainly can relate to this. I have dragged myself around to take care of my family when I didn't feel the best or went to work, because I needed to make money to support the family and pay the bills. I think most women can relate to this. We are the caretakers in our society, and we're always looking out for others.

Hillary was that kind of woman on Sunday when she went to honor the fallen of 9/11. She felt the need to be there to support the families impacted by that day. I've had several women tell me that seeing her courage has prompted them to give money to the campaign and to help her in anyway they can. This is a profound gesture of women relating to women and how we live our lives as women. Take care, Hillary. Knowing you, you'll soon be back fighting for the rights of women and children, like you've done all your life.

Pat Reynolds, Plymouth

A man who didn't do it, but was scrutinized, deserves empathy

While everyone's heart rightfully goes out to the Wetterling family for their unbearable loss of Jacob, I hope that the law enforcement agencies have it in their hearts to tell Dan Rassier that they are sorry — sorry for countless interviewing and interrogating sessions, at least twice using heavy machinery to dig up the family farm, and causing 27 years of anguish and emotional suffering to Dan and his elderly parents ("Suspicions beset Jacob's neighbor," Sept. 10). Dan was long thought to be the abductor, and he has had his life turned upside down dozens of times since 1989. Dan deserves someone to say, "We are sorry." We cannot blame law enforcement for doing their due diligence to find Jacob's killer, but now that Dan is no longer a "person of interest," it seems appropriate to apologize.

Dick Daymont, Northfield

Writer of 'laughingstock' letter cites 'facts' that simply aren't

A Sept. 11 letter about light rail made three errors in three paragraphs.

First, light-rail fares are not higher than bus fares; they are exactly the same.

Second, light-rail frequency is not less than bus lines; it is greater. Light-rail lines run every 10 minutes for 13 hours a day. No bus line exceeds that.

Third, with further investment in light rail, we will hardly become Denver's laughingstock. We are pursuing Denver's strategy. Alas, we are just doing it more slowly.

David Therkelsen, Minneapolis

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