Momentum building around Bachmann health care rally

Actor Jon Voight and author Mark Levin are expected to attend in addition to Republican House leadership.

By ericroper

November 5, 2009 at 1:21AM

By Eric Roper

Congressional leaders may be planning a vote on health care reform this week, but Rep. Michele Bachmann isn't going down without a fight.

The Republican lawmaker has been on a media blitz promoting tomorrow's rally against the Democratic health care proposal on the steps of the Capitol, which she has dubbed "The Super Bowl of Freedom." Actor Jon Voight and author Mark Levin are expected to attend in addition to Republican House leadership.

What happens shortly after might be leave a more lasting impression, however.

"I'd love to have every one of your viewers join me so that we can go up and down through the halls, find members of Congress, look at the whites of their eyes and say, 'Don't take away my health care,' " Bachmann told Sean Hannity on Friday night.

No one knows exactly how that's going to play out, but some are speculating that Speaker Nancy Pelosi might tighten security to stifle protestors.

Hundreds of people are traveling to Washington to participate, including about 120 Minnesotans who left from the Twin Cities area in three buses this morning.

Minneapolis resident Deanna Boss organized the three-day, non-stop round trip to Washington.

"Initially I thought I was going to have a hard time getting 40 people to go," Boss said by phone from the bus. "And then it turned out that I had three buses and I was worried that they weren't going to be enough, that I wasn't going to have enough room for people."

At 7 p.m. the buses were in Chicago and Boss expects they will reach D.C. at about 11 a.m. Wednesday (You can follow their journey on Twitter here).

Regardless of what transpires tomorrow, the event is gearing up to be one of the most electric moments in Michele Bachmann's already controversial congressional career.

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