Readers Write: Trump’s conviction, Royce White, MPD, SCOTUS, PWHL Minnesota, Scott Gillespie’s retirement

It’s time for America to unite.

May 30, 2024 at 11:19PM
Former President Donald Trump appears at Manhattan criminal court during jury deliberations in his criminal hush money trial in New York May 30. (Michael M. Santiago/The Associated Press)

Opinion editor’s note: Star Tribune Opinion publishes letters from readers online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.


The Republicans are calling former President Donald Trump’s 34 felony convictions a travesty. The travesty is that the Republican Party is not condemning the lifetime of immoral, dishonest and divisive behavior of the man they have fallen in line with. It is noteworthy that the Republicans are not attempting to refute the underlying behavior that led to Trump’s 34 convictions. In the immortal words of Joseph Welch to another unrepentant bully, Joseph McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency?”

It is time as a country to come to terms with the reality that Donald Trump is a deeply flawed individual who has never uttered a remorseful word. He will not change; rather, he is a troubled man bent on dividing this country with the promise of “ultimate and absolute revenge.” Whether or not you think his actions were criminal, his behavior that led to these convictions, as well as the behavior in the other three pending criminal cases he faces, are well beneath the office of the presidency. We need to end our obsession with the drama that is Trump and remember what makes America great is standing united, for “divided we fall.”

Robert Speeter, Minneapolis


With qualifications like these ...

Surprisingly, some Republicans are questioning the GOP’s endorsement of Royce White to run for Senate in Minnesota. Convention delegates state they purposely chose an “outspoken outsider” (“Tired of losing, some Republicans willing to look the other way when it comes to Royce White,” front page, May 30), with multiple evictions and default judgments for not paying his rent, who has used previous campaign funds for personal trips and visiting strip clubs, who claims women are “too mouthy,” who has been to court for missing child support payments, who has a guilty plea for violating a restraining order, who has touted conspiracy theories about satanic influences in the federal government, and whose social media posts have antisemitic remarks and slurs against the gay community which he defends by stating that “the Black community is a very vulgar community.”

Wow, this ex-basketball player and mixed martial arts fighter shouldn’t be running just for the Senate. With qualifications like these, he could be the next Republican candidate for president!

Rochelle Eastman, Savage


Why would the GOP select such a flawed candidate? The Star Tribune’s hit piece ignores the issues Royce White ran on:

Stop runaway inflation caused by government deficit spending: The elite don’t suffer but the working man does.

Stop the open border policy: Low-skilled undocumented workers compete with current lower income workers for jobs, housing and medical services. Does anybody believe a large influx of non- or poor English speaking students will improve our kids education, especially in Minneapolis and St. Paul?

And stop funding never-ending wars.

Steve Zelinsky, Minnetonka


MPD has lost our trust once again

Public trust is apparently expendable in the management of the Minneapolis Police Department (“Police hid misconduct with secretive process,” front page, May 30). The idea of “coaching” misbehavior is not in and of itself a flawed approach. Incremental intervention and follow-up are based on the notion that errors can be corrected with the cooperation of officers and their supervisors. This assumes that the infractions are swiftly and clearly identified, the individual takes ownership of the error and the supervisor provides positive reinforcement to sustain the adjusted behavior. Unfortunately the police do not use this model. The overt and systemic racism, violence and utter lack of meaningful accountability have burned down public trust along with the Third Precinct building and much of Lake Street. Now it seems the Police Department leadership, city administrators and others have been intentionally misleading us about the steps that were taken and policies that remain in place to this day. Twisted words for pretzel logic. Call it what it is. Stop trying to paint lipstick on a pig. Tell us the truth or get out.

George Hutchinson, Minneapolis


Our leaders shouldn’t perpetuate fake news

A May 25 letter writer is confused about the difference between a fact and an opinion. Justice Samuel Alito’s actions are denying the fact that the election of President Joe Biden in 2020 was not “a steal.” It is a fact that Biden won the election. So, Alito’s actions are either a refusal to accept this fact or gross ignorance. This is not “freedom of expression.” This is perpetuating fake news. If we want the laws of our country to mean something we can’t tolerate this kind of behavior in a Supreme Court justice.

Gail Iverson, Minneapolis


When I became a lawyer in 1979, I felt that the Constitution was a living embodiment of American values. I knew Supreme Court justices had no code of conduct, but thought that it didn’t matter, as they were above reproach. I retired at age 69, and retained my reverence for the Constitution and the Supreme Court throughout my career.

Now, I feel how a person who has been a lifelong devout Catholic must feel after learning about the scandal of some priests’ deprivations. For years, I have maintained that “originalism” (the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted in light of what the founders “must” have meant) is a thinly disguised excuse for interpreting the Constitution in light of what the justice’s own, personal beliefs are. Antonin Scalia, Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh and, to a lesser extent, John Roberts, have dirtied my esteem for the Constitution and high regard for the Supreme Court. I feel sorry for idealistic young people going into the practice of law now.

Gary L. Brisbin, Fridley


Congrats to the first Walter Cup champions, and Rachel Blount!

Shout out to Rachel Blount, Star Tribune staff writer, for her exciting coverage of the championship inaugural season of Minnesota’s PWHL team (“PWHL Minnesota lifts Walter Cup as league’s first champion with Game 5 win over Boston,”, May 30). Blount’s storytelling captured the grit and finesse of the on-ice play, and the grit, legitimacy and joy of a big-time professional women’s hockey league and the women (and men) who made it happen. As a mother, daughter, athlete and sports fan from the State of Hockey, I celebrate the success of our women’s professional hockey team and cheer for Blount — and more women writers — to cover women’s sports on the Star Tribune’s Sports page and every page. You go, girls!

Tracy Nordstrom, Minneapolis


Thank you, Scott Gillespie

When I worked with Scott Gillespie I would sometimes tease him that the editorials were not sexy enough by joking the headlines read like this: “Reasonable bonding bill deserves careful consideration.” I wanted audacious headlines that would drive clicks. He wanted Minnesota to be a better place. As Scott might say, “let’s agree to disagree.”

Regular readers know that disagreements are welcome on these pages, a testament to Scott’s stewardship of the Opinion enterprise of the Star Tribune. Voices from all sides, plus well-researched and elegantly argued editorials make Star Tribune’s Opinion section a rare place where Minnesotans really listen and learn from each other.

Yes, bonding bills matter, but so do tribal schools and improving light rail and even golf courses. Scott insisted that all of these come together over your morning cup of coffee. As he retires from Star Tribune I just want to thank him for his service to readers and dedication to Minnesota and for never giving up on the ideals of journalism.

Jim Bernard, Minnetonka

The writer was a senior vice president of digital at Star Tribune.

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