Gustav, not McCain, grabs attention of media A-listers

September 1, 2008 at 4:22AM

The Twin Cities won't be the media capital, at least not right now, as some of the biggest names in broadcasting headed to the Gulf Coast Sunday afternoon instead of the Republican Convention. Many of those journalists are expected to be here eventually, but with an abbreviated convention program today and an unpredictable storm heading to the coast, it's hard to say when.


• George Stephanopoulos ("This Week," ABC)

• Brit Hume ("The FOX Report")

• Maggie Rodriguez ("The Early Show," CBS)

• Wolf Blitzer ("The Situation Room," CNN)

• Bob Schieffer ("CBS Evening News")

• Tom Brokaw ("NBC Nightly News")

• Chris Matthews ("Hardball," CNN)

• Jim Lehrer ("NewsHour," PBS)

• Campbell Brown (CNN)


• Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts ("Good Morning America," ABC) in New York

• Terry Moran ("Nightline," ABC) in New Orleans

• Charlie Gibson ("ABC Nightly News") in New Orleans

• Shepard Smith ("The FOX Report") in New Orleans

• Katie Couric ("CBS Evening News) at Gulf Coast

• Brian Williams ("NBC Nightly News") at Gulf Coast

• Ann Curry ("Today," NBC) at Gulf Coast

• Keith Olbermann (MSNBC) in New York

• Anderson Cooper (CNN) in New Orleans


about the writer

Neal Justin

Critic / Reporter

Neal Justin is the pop-culture critic, covering how Minnesotans spend their entertainment time. He also reviews stand-up comedy. Justin previously served as TV and music critic for the paper. He is the co-founder of JCamp, a non-profit program for high-school journalists, and works on many fronts to further diversity in newsrooms.

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