A boss, a friend, and a great mentor

By Richard Thomson

December 29, 2013 at 10:30PM
John Miller
John Miller (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

John Miller was a boss, a friend, and a great mentor.

John was a wise man who "walked the talk." As a boss, he was a true "servant leader," putting his followers' needs and personal growth before his own. He saw the glass as half-full, never half-empty. John made other people feel special. He put more into this world than he took out.

In retirement, John demonstrated the words of author Marcus Buckingham who wrote, "As you become older, you become more and more of who you really are." During these years, John spent numerous hours caring for his disabled granddaughter, Samantha. (In more than 15 years, John missed only a handful of days.) This care for "Sammy" was done not out of a sense of obligation but rather an outflow of his love.

On one occasion, I remarked that Sammy was blessed because of his efforts. At that, John quickly shook a finger in my face. "No, no, you don't understand. I was the one blessed by Sammy!"

When we would meet for coffee, John would reflect upon his feelings for Pat, his late wife. In a marriage based upon such a profound love, it was his belief that it was the "lucky" one who died first. He also talked about his now-adult children, described as the "joy of his life."

John was a man of insight, observation, and logic. He understood that personal fulfillment was gained by helping others find fulfillment. John's thoughts about life, marriage, family, business, and aging have influenced me deeply. Looking back, those moments spent chatting over cups of coffee are priceless. His words speak to me daily. John Miller is no longer with us, but my gratitude for his life lives on.

about the writer

Richard Thomson

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